Cave Aged Cheesy Soda Bread

Cave Aged Cheesy Soda Bread
  • Time 50 minutes
  • Serves 1 loaf
  • Easy
        • For the bread - 300g plain white flour
        • ½ tsp salt
        • 1tsp baking soda
        • Half a block of Cave Aged Cheddar cheese, grated
        • 250ml Buttermilk
        • For the butter - optional, if you want to be fancy - 1 pack of salted butter, at room temperature
        • Small bunch thyme, leaves picked
        • Small bunch parsley, finely chopped
  1. Heat the oven to 180C Fan.
  2. In a large bowl combine the flour, salt and baking powder then stir in ⅔ of the cheese.
  3. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the buttermilk.
  4. Use a table knife to mix gently but quickly to combine to a dough. To get the lightest bread, minimise the amount you handle the dough.
  5. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and pat into a circle.
  6. Transfer to a non-stick baking sheet and pat down a little. Scatter with the remaining cheese and cut a large cross, deep into the dough and bake for 35-40 minutes or until the bottom sounds hollow when tapped. Leave to cool for 30 minutes.
  7. While the bread is baking, beat the butter in a bowl until soft then beat in the herbs. Lay out a sheet of clingfilm on the surface and spoon the butter into a line near the bottom of the cling film, fold the cling film over the butter and shape it into a sausage.
  8. Roll the butter up in the cling film and twist the ends to make it tight. Pop it in the fridge and when you’re ready to serve the bread, cut disks of butter to spread on the fresh slices.
  9. You could add some mustard power or chilli paste to the butter too. This is great for dipping in soup, toasting or making ham and tomato sandwiches.